But, was he any GOOD in bed? What do the sources say? 😉

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Henry I must have been fun at parties. How could you not create spawn without lust? I don't know what the medieval viagra was, and don't say ground mummy.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Interestingly, neither Henry I or Charles II hold the record for siring the most children amongst all British monarchs. I believe that title falls to Charles' brother James II, who had at least 27. Unlike Henry and Charles, most of James' children were legitimate: 20 with his two wives and "only" 7 confirmed with mistresses.

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That festival looks amazing! i would be like a kid in a candy store, just happily squealing. ☺️

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It's like the classicists who say Greece never would have mattered to anyone if Zeus hadn't dipped his wick into literally everything. Happy Fathers Day!

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Cornwall may not be too far but unfortunately I’ve got my own ‘issues’ to tend with over the week. Might be an excuse for a weekend excursion if I can! Enjoy man!

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Hope to see you and say hi. I'm there from tuesday to Sunday

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

"... he succumbed to female blandishments not for sexual gratification but for the sake of issue"... that's heart-warming, isn't it 😁

The drawing is beautiful, I hadn't realised Matthew Paris drew it himself.

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As a male, one can just sow seeds and move on. He wasn't expected to actually raise them kids 😉😁

Have so much fun! Can't say I'm not jealous!!! Waiting for some amazing stories.

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Happy Fathers Day! Enjoyed the post.

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C'mon man, 24? Don't you get to like a dozen and think, "I'll just go home early tonight" I guess if you are dedicated to your ISSUE, you just plod on, so to speak.

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Happy fathers day! That festival sounds great, enjoy!

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Happy Father’s Day to you

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Damn! I do wish I could be there! Alas, Virginia is a wee bit too far away for a quick trip! Have a fabulous time!!

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