Hi hi! When you're researching for books/ podcast scripts/ your enjoyment, how big of a role does Archaeology play in the evidence you gather? I'm studying Archaeology in October and wanted to know how much use it has in related fields!

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If jousting ever becomes an Olympic sport and all the medieval fighting games, who is your champion? (You can pick from any point in history)

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Hello Dan, hope you have been enjoying your summer and all your travels!

My fiancée Heidi and I have been enjoying watching your Q&A videos together the last few months and so I wanted to ask my question on her behalf this time and get her a shout out if possible.

Her question is: Is there any historical (not necessarily medieval) item of clothing you would like to see come back?

Thanks for always answering our questions!


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Hi Dan, a couple of Q&As ago you hinted at what your next project would be following Henry V and Dogs III. Is it too early for you to reveal all?

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I can never remember what I wanted to ask - glad you had excellent and safe travels. I’d love to hear about the Henry V special editions - I already preordered but I’m on board for something amped up

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Hello Dan! I am so looking forward to hearing your talk at the British library 9/23 - my question is what was your favorite Halloween costume you ever wore ? 😂 do you ever dress up as historical characters?

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Hi Dan! Hope you've been having a great summer. My question is: what book have you read in the last few years that altered your views on a particular event or historical figure? Or a book that created a greater sense of the importance of an event or historical figure? Thank you, as always!

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Hi Dan, hope you are enjoying your travels. I visitied the Musée de Cluny last year, what a gem! My favourite part was seeing and admiring the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. My question is, why were the people of Middle Ages obsessed with unicorns (and dragons for that matter)? Hell, we still are.

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Hello! I was wondering if you could share the dates/locations for the USA book signing!?

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Hello Dan, I've recently finished your book Summer of Blood, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. With all the burning of documents, did this cause legal problems - about property for instance - in the years afterwards? Did it change the legal status of people?

BTW it says on page 172 of the paperback edition "Thomas à Becket", I thought the "à" was nonsense?

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Just got back from UK. Thank you for recommending Temple Church. It was great! Is it true that William Marshall was the greatest knight that ever lived? How did he save England?

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Hi Justin, We have had the discussion about William Marshall here before and I could not understand either why he should be the greatest knight. Then I found a fantastic video on YouTube called 'The greatest knight that ever lived: William Marshall by DanDavisHistory. It is worth watching and will explain his breathtaking life. Enjoy.

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Thank you so very much. I'll Definitely check that out. Thanks for the info ❤️

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Bonjour Dan - could the Mongols have conquered the whole of Europe ?

How long did their sovereignty last for the European regions they did conquer and what was the eventual cause of their demise

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Ok, I’ll bite. Two questions.

1.) Would you ever consider opening your vast personal library to intrepid readers? Like some sort of Patreon platinum level perk, a Dan Jones library card. You could mail the books out and they would have to be returned in perfect condition (with heavy, maybe even medieval consequences for book damage). I realize that would require cataloging amongst other administrative tasks…but it’s doable. Library systems in the states (at least the two I hold cards for) can have scant history sections.

2.) Have you ever been to Corsica? If so, what are your thoughts?

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I actually went to Corsica once on a cruise stop. It was gorgeous! I wanted to stay and rent a bike and just bike through the gorgeous island. We didn't do too much exploring but my life flashed before my eyes when the bus tour driver was winding around the insane cliffs for our bus tour- at one point half the bus was over the cliff 🫣 I'm not sure how it would be going for a longer stay but it was gorgeous and quiet

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There are worse places to plunge to your death I’m sure, but Holy hell! What an experience of contrast!

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One other thing that stuck with me (as it was my first time in Europe) was how many times that tiny island was taken over by bigger countries. They have a lot of pride and want to be seen as independent

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Ok see? This sounds like my kind of place 🥰

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No kidding! I was like "well if I'm going to go I'm might as well go here"😜

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Ok, First, who are the stone heads? Kings, queens, or famous people, perhaps?

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I’m relistening to chapters from The Plantagenets and I’m loving the extra in depth analysis from This is History tying it all together. I’m really interested in how history is shaped by individuals, and I’m currently stuck on how King John’s actions forced the barons to unite against him. But Magna Carta certainly didn’t just come from nowhere- were those concepts something they’d been grumbling about for years and John’s reign just finally pulled it all together? In other words, were those checks on the monarch inevitable or is it all down to John being a massive bastard? Thanks!

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I bought five copies for my five grand children because we are descended from them and they have not opened the books at all as of this date though I gave them years ago when I realized I was a Plantagenet. . .One day when they read them they will be able to see as you are seeing it is wonderfully written and such clearness that you can see it all in your mind thanks to Dan's super writing skills. As then it becomes super wonderful. . .

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Listening to the recent episodes of This is History, I kept thinking of Chris Pine's The Outlaw King, are you able to watch and enjoy movies that are set during your knowledgebase? What are your thoughts on a historically incorrect movie being the seed that ignites the curiosity to learn about the actual history in someone. For me, Braveheart had me searching all things William Wallace when I first saw it in high school.

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