Hi Dan,

If you could go back in time and return with one solid piece of irrefutable evidence (document, recording of a conversation, video of a battle?) that would forever put to bed a mystery, a personal curiosity, or maybe a question among historians, etc., what would it be?

Also, discovered Henry V isn’t out until *December* in Canada, so finally reading Hollow Crown and enjoying it immensely. Happy book touring!

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Great to see you on Gloucester 👍

My question is how do you stay motivated for these sort of events ?

I appreciate you must enjoy them but surely they get tiresome

Travelling, being away from home, being asked the same questions etc

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When you are writing the non-fiction books, is the part of doing research for a book the part you enjoy the most of the process?

And do you know when the Dutch translation will come out of Henry V?

I ordered the copy from the brokenbinding, because I need to have the special edition.

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Hi Dan, I've watched a lot of your documentaries, you speak/interview with a lot of other historians, who are experts in their field. My question is, who was your favourite, who did you find most interesting and enjoyed conversing with the most?

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Hi Dan - what are some of your favorite fiction books? Any particular authors you will always read no matter what?

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Hiya Dan!

I know there are issues around travelling back in time (healthcare, language barriers, dangers around most - if not every - corner) but if you could bring someone from history to 2024, who do you think would be most excited to be here?

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Could you imagine bringing Henry VIII and his reaction to how he's viewed in history and the impact Elizabeth had on England?

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Simple question, Dan. (Hello!) Now Henry V has been crossed off your to do pile, will you be turning your attention on his son and heir and his strange life?

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I’m wondering why King John seems to be the consensus worst king in English history when Edward II seems just as bad or worse. Also I have to say I’m quite disappointed in Queen Isabella devolving into just another greedy self centered monarch after such an audacious snatch of power.

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It does seem to me that so many people die during the battles between the participants in the wars and I always wonder who takes care of all the bodies on the battlefields and are the graves marked or are they all found by the families or next of kind just left to wonder what happened to their loved ones? MIA’s who never return home?

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During Henry VIII's

Reformation, were the bones of his parents, grandmother, and immediate family disturbed or did he command they not be touched?

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Where can we listen to the live this is history podcast you did with Alice Loxton at London podfest?

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Just wanted to tell i loved the event in Gloucester. Hope you liked the dutch treats.

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I often wonder if Edward IV was not his fathers child and that his mother may have told Richard III this.

Making Richard believe he was indeed the rightful adult heir.

Killing children to keep God's chosen blood line on the throne. Thus creating stability within the country. A decision other kings have made to secure their throne and will continue to do.

Although not logical reasoning by 2024 standards but for late 1400s you could see why he may make such a huge decision.

So I wonder, was he God's defender of the line?, or a power-hungry killer or somewhere in between?

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Hello Dan. With the news that the last installment of your Essex Dogs trilogy will be coming out next year, will a trilogy book set be released? I have only listened to the first two on Audible and was wondering whether it would be worth waiting, or picking up copies of the first two books now.

Also apologies if you have been asked this before, but where did you get the inspiration for the Black Prince's persona? Is there source evidence that alludes to him being a sterotypical rich spoilt brat, or where you just having some creative fun?

Have thoroughly enjoyed Henry V. Thank you.

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Hi, Dan. Not sure this is an appropriate question for this forum, but here goes. I live in the US and have gone to Audible.com to pre-order the Henry V audiobook, only to be greeted with a message that it is not available "in my location." Will there be an audiobook for US readers?

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Sup Dan! I'm curious, have you ever been to Zadar, Croatia – or just Dalmatia in general? I ask because it's my native land, and it is positively brimming with medieval history.

(Stoked to receive the Broken Binding edition and to attend the event in Austin! Howdy from Tejas.)

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I finished reading Powers and Thrones earlier this month, I'm only a couple of years behind, and really enjoyed it. I like how it was done categorically, and not just a timeline of chronologically important events.

Having also read The Templars and Crusaders, how do you decide on these other books, and do you enjoy getting to research and write in areas that are not heavily focused on the Plantagenets and England?

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