Writing from a motorway service station myself after seeing your fab talk in Canterbury earlier (thanks for taking the time to do these kinds of things!) so feeling the grotty vibes.

With Plantagenets, Hollow Crown and of course Powers and Thrones, you’ve covered a huge swathe of the Middle Ages in your writing, but is there any one smaller period within that expanse that is your real sweet spot which for whatever reason you enjoy more than the rest? Has that changed as you’ve focused on different projects?

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When I read Essex Dogs, I really felt it would make an excellent TV series. Is there any possibility that might happen?

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I know you like Guns n' Roses but have you heard the Neurotic Outsiders? The band was formed by Matt Sorum, Duff McKagan of Guns along with Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols and John Taylor of Duran Duran. They formed briefly in 1995 playing The Viper Rooms and released a Self-titled album.

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The Allman Brothers Band??

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I know your a big rugby fan (sorry about Wales), but do you have a favorite prem team? What Plantagenet would have been the best footballer, and why?

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Outstanding reply from Dan!

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Couldn’t believe he decided to go with a full XI! I loved it. Richard III at RB was so funny to me

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I finished wolves of winter in two days. When can you feed my addiction and give me more?

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Dear Dan,

Sorry, I have a question that may be a bit more of a downer than the others here.

As one of the world's experts on the Crusades, I have a few questions for you. What happened at the end of the Crusades? That is, what happened when there was no more active crusading? Did the threat continue? Was there an uneasy peace? Were truces signed? If so, were the truces kept? Was there an imposition of authority so strict that local strife evaporated?

I'm curious if there are any lessons and any cause for hope that the current situation in the region will eventually have some sort of peaceful resolution or at least peaceful co-existence. I don't believe that history repeats itself, but I do believe -- in the words of Mark Twain -- that "it rhymes". What's your view in light of your knowledge of the Crusades? Thanks.

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Elizabeth of York seemed to play a large role in Henry VIII's young life. Had she lived longer, do you think she would have played an advisory role in the beginning of his reign? Could that have possibly removed the vacuum that allowed Wolsey to enter the scene?

If you could have a beer with any Plantagenet, who would it be and what would you ask them?

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Hello, Dan. I can’t get enough of your stuff!

Okay, so I’m a direct descendant of the Plantagenets. It sounds great until I see things like “everyone in Europe is related to Charlemagne.” Kind of takes the wind out of the sails.

We turn off at Edward Longshanks, descended through his youngest, Edmund. And, as his mother was Princess Margaret of France, Philip III’s daughter (a great (WTH) Plantagenet story in itself), look at that - we are direct descendants of the Capetians as well! I can’t tell you how much fun it was to see Edmund’s daughter, Joan of Kent’s husband show up in Essex Dogs wearing her garter! Good old 19x great grandpa Thomas Holland.

But anyway, is our family just a little bit special? How big is that pool? Maybe millions rather than hundreds of millions? At least we have the documented path to follow up the tree, and we do realize that it goes well beyond to Rollo, Charlemagne, Alfred, etc.

Oh, and I have to mention that my great grandma Annie Beatty Marshall brings us a very special branch of the tree as well… My favorite great uncle, William Marshal.

Tom in Colorado

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I descend through the Plantagenets as well, but further up its Edmund Crouchback

It’s absolutely fascinating finding out relatives on ancestry

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Hello, cousin!

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According to the geneologists, William Marshal is my 23rd grandfather. I only found this out a few months ago, long after our trip to Temple Church when we were in London. Guess it explains why I've always found his tale so interesting. lol

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William Marshal has to be medieval England's biggest character! What a story.

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If you're of English ancestry, according to some, you're probably related to Alfred the Great.

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What’s your Christmas sweater situation? Are you prepared?

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Two questions about seeking "Sanctuary" 1: how much was this actually respected in practice and 2: what constituted a space in which it could be sought? (Specifically, could Eleanor of Aquitaine have been safe in the chapel at Mirebeau when Arthur came for her if John had not arrived in time?).

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So many differing sides (opinions) about Richard III. What is your call?

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Considering how little he seemed to care for his historical reputation, how do you think Henry II would feel about how influential his legal reforms proved to be for the English-speaking world and Anglo-American democracy? Would it surprise him that reforms meant simply to increase efficiency became the foundation stones of a legal system that really hasn’t stopped working since?

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Are you coming to Amsterdam for promoting the Wolves of Winter?

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Hi Dan - met you yesterday (recreational drug question) - simple question best general Edward 3 or Henry V?

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Hi Dan,

I've heard lots of theories over the years and have just picked up the book "Roman Britain's Missing Legion". It's been bumped up to next in line in my TBR pile but before I get started, what's your opinion? What do you think happened to the 9th Legion?

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Hey Dan, thanks for the reply this morning. I'm not sure what I believe now. Like many people, I used to believe that they were destroyed by the local tribes in Northern Britain and bringing about the construction of Hadrian's Wall or maybe they were wiped out when the fort was attacked in Eboracum/York. I've seen a lot of theories and none are really very convincing. It's weird that they just disappeared without a trace though. Maybe someday we'll find the answer buried under a car park lol

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Who and what is favourite metal song? Also are any of tattoos history related

As a student currently studying towards my history degree, are there any eras that you don’t particularly enjoy?

Also any chance of a book tour coming to Sussex??

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