Are there any great losses in history that just hurt your soul?

(language, art, culture, literature, knowledge, a relic, etc.)

I hate Savonarola and the Bonfires of the Vanities. What an ass hat. I’m, also, pissed King John lost the Crown jewels.

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I’m curious if your family gets into this stuff and realize how cool it is that you get to study such interesting things, or if you just get the “oh Dad” eye roll.

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Hi Dan,

I have 2 questions, both of equal importance.

1. With the advent of modern social media and communications saving our every keystroke into the cloud, will censorship and political moderation still cause our history to be written by the winners/powerful/rich, or will future historians consider it to be written by the masses.

2. What's your favourite/the best snack from anywhere in time or space.



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Having seen (and applauded) Dr Ramirez's interpretation of Kate Bush's 'Babooshka' on Twitter the other day and seen Dr Willis guitar wrangling on TV in the past, I wondered what you would play and/or sing if there was an eminent historians covers band and what name would you give the band?

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Do you ever use research assistants when writing your books? Could you give someone like me any advice on how to break into that type of career? I have a degree in history and theology. I'd like to think I'm a fairly good writer, and I'm a voracious reader. I'm incredibly unfulfilled and underutilized in my current line of work, so I think 32 is about time for a change, and I keep coming back to how much I love history and reading and how wonderful it would be to turn those passions into a job!

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Why the medieval/middle ages?

What is it about this period, which hooked you in to study this? Why not Georgeian our Roman for instance?

Also, is it the earliest period, so end of the Roman period or more the asendency of the European powers and Renaissance?

Which Country is it that also pulled you in? England, Spain, France etc...

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If the apocalypse happens and you had to hole up in a castle to survive with one figure from history. A which castle are you picking? and B which figure from

History? I’m picking Château Gaillard with William Marshall.

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Two questions:

1) What’s the ‘must see’ in Istanbul? Can be historical or just a great place for a drink. John History and I are headed there this summer (w/o kiddos) for the first time.

2) I’d love to know what you really thought of the GFAD group. (We think we’re 👏🏼 awesome)

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What’s your opinion on Simon de Montfort? And do you have a favourite and least favourite tattoo?!

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Do you have any favourite pieces of folklore?

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I've recently watched your interview with GRRM (per your recommendation in the podcast), and seeing as "Essex Dogs" is released this September, I just have to ask what are your favourite Medieval based fantasy/historical fiction books (or book series) and have they had an impact on your writing?

I know those are two different questions, but still. As a recommendation, if you haven't read Bernard Cornwell's "The Saxon Stories", the series is very good. Love ya, Dan. xoxo

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You’re obviously an expert in European medieval history, but what other periods interest you? U.S. Civil War, the Punic Wars, Rasputin and the end of the Romanovs?

You’ve just published your first fiction. What novelists have you been reading?

Friday afternoon beer of note?

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Have you traced your family roots and if so how far back were you able to go and did you find any interesting information / ancestors? Thanks!

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Have you seen the new film “The Northman” and if so what were your thoughts?

And how important is overall historical accuracy when it comes to your enjoyment of a piece of media?

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What was the weirdest thing anyone did on your recent bus tour?

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You may have already answered this… who is your favorite Plantagenet King/queen and why?

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Dan is the Queen entitled to wear the Crown Jewels of Scotland? If not then who is

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

I've always been curious about what Europe's history would have been like if Islam hadn't exploded out of the Middle East and surged into Eastern and Western Europe. How would things have progressed? Would we be as far along technologically, philosophically, and culturally as we are now, or even further behind since so much of Greek and Roman learning was preserved by Muslims?

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

With discoveries such as Henry VIII's “evidence” to support a break with Rome recently turning up in a Cornish library, what missing document would you love to stumble across next time you’re hunting in the archives?

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What was expected of women in running their household, were they responsible for budget, purchases, and perhaps instructing personnel? How did they develop the necessary skills, assuming most women only had a rudimentary education, did their mothers or other family member teach them?

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

We have seen that war has brought about inventions, such as, Jeep, duct tape, and flight innovations that are now a part of everday life. Are there any medieval wartime inventions that became an everyday thing?

Adding to that, what inventions (wartime or no) stand out to you? Other then the printing press..

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I’m curious to know the oldest bit of graffiti you have seen on your travels to castles, churches, palaces and other places.

I visited Winchester Cathedral on Monday, I find something different every time I go and this time I found a carving WC (assume Winchester Cathedral) LC (assume carvers initials) 1400 on one of the wooden columns up on the second floor of the Kings and Scribes exhibition.

I’ve seen some old graffiti but that totally blew my mind!

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Hi Dan! The France trip looked amazing. Any plans for future author trips?

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Is there any chance for another Signed Essex Dogs with presale purchase brewing?

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It's Petes 40th birthday tomorrow. What #1 piece of advice would you give him?

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come on then for 2022 what are your sneaks of choice? Or is it strictly Timbs again?

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Is it within bounds to write another question? Would really love to know, as they come to your mind:

5 films you love//5 bands you love love love

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How did you get into TV production in the first place? Loved Anne Boleyn, btw. I really felt Anne's increasingly tenuous position at court and get awareness of it

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Do you often feel, pertaining to your vast knowledge of history and the like, that you’re in a bit of solitude when it comes to wanting to discuss exciting finds or debating the possibility of ancient life etc — or have you found likeminded comrades to “geek out” about these fascinating subjects? (I hope it’s the latter)

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How do you think the medieval world ( or even the current time) would be different if actual Christ followers were in charge of the church instead of the power driven men who were? How many genuine kind people of “the cloth” have you actually come across in your study and how do you think our attitude towards the church would be different if they would’ve been the ones in charge?

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How can I purchase signed copies of your Magna Carta for a group of law school grads?

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We are of course fairly used to seeing the depiction of Medieval life on TV etc but if we were to travel back in time what would most shock us about life in those times? Something obvious like the hygiene/smell or the violence, or would it be something more left field?

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I was at my local rugby club dinner on saturday night, which had an auction as part of the fund raising.

I got involved in a bidding war with former international James Haskell. Alcohol played a part.

Have you ever got carried away in an auction and if so what was it for?

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When you have identified a great topic, what are are some of the ways you prepare to research and plan your project? Love your posts!

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What did you have for breakfast? Following on from your food post.

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Where wars schedule to be held at a certain day and time? Or why in movies and tv series sometimes they would be battling but some other times they would be at a camp just chilling?

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Hi Dan

Hope life is good and keeping you busy. Whole family just had the awful COVID for Easter, no egg hunts, lots of coughing and tiring but least there was chocolate the next week.

My question/s

With the threat of Putin and his nukes if this was medieval times, what would be the most dreaded weapon that towns and villages could fear or be threatened with ? Simple fire and all those quaint thatched cottages?

Would we be better off if Putin was a medieval war lord or would he have been even more dangerous with gunpowder or plague bodies and ballista/ trebuchet chemical warfare weapons?

Look forward to it on Friday!

Cheers Jo

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I'll be in London for the Jubilee. Will you be around? would love to meet up for a pint, so to speak. I've been to London Seven time before, but this will be my first trip since making my family tree connections to the Plantagenets and many historical figures. I've seen your youtube video on William Marshal and the Temple church, he's an ancestor many times over and that sight is on my list. Three Questions:

1) I have a few open days in London, any historical places off the beaten tourist path?

2) I've studied Art History, and Architecture, any medieval collections or buildings aside from Westminster Cathedral, the Tower, etc. I may have overlooked?

3) Any recommendations Medieval Spain? I'll be in Madrid for a week after the Jubilee before flying back to the States. I want to see Burgos Cathedral and Segovia, any other ideas.

I'll be traveling solo and don't drive, so I'm limited.

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In my youth I was fortunate to live in Portsmouth for 2 years. What places or events might be of interest to you from that area’s history?

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Part 1 - History question: What is your personal fave' random piece of historical apocrypha from the Medieval 'Eastern' world?

Part the second - Etc question: With the launch of the Irish Stout company's new Cold Brew Coffee flavoured beer as an inspo; What is the random gimmick that a brewing company has cynically birthed, then quietly removed, which you think should be brought back permanently?

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Were there any noble families that successfully navigated the changing royal houses of England? Also, after William the Conqueror, why was there a decline in moniker titles for English Monarchs? No Henry the Fond (on purpose) or Edward the Daggy.

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Who is your favourite female character from history and why?

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Hi Dan! I don't know if this question has already been made but here goes: who is your all-time favourite historical caracter? And, since I'm asking, do you have a favourite/go-to historical story that you just can't get fed-up of? Even, what rattles your brain the most (besides the princes in the tower soap opera)?

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Please come and visit us at Peterborough Cathedral!!

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Idea for next TV series: man vs medieval food. You are the man. Thoughts?

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My historical novel, set during the First War of Scottish Independence, was just released today. My question is, would you like to read it? I’ll send you a free copy. 🥳

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Hey Dan, how is the new SubStack format working out. I notice you have 87 questions/comments so far and that is high. I’m just wondering if the new approach is living up to your expectations with regards to membership, engagement, etc.?

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Allegedly, there's a tunnel from Salisbury Cathedral to the Haunch of Venison that was used by priests to get alcohol and women. Do you think the tunnel existed or do you think it's just a good story? (The tour guide said the arsenic poisoning of William Longespée might just be a good story, despite the rat evidence.)

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Which conversation in history, would you like to have been a fly on the wall for?

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