Hi Dan, "The Lion in Winter", film 1968, is being reissued. What do you think of this film, if you've seen it?
It made a huge impression on me, but I think I may have been heavily influenced by the casting of two very handsome and young actors, Timothy Dalton as the gorgeous French King and Anthony Hopkins as the legendarily heroic Richard the Lionheart. I did notice the incredible performances from Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn, too 😄.
Hope the head was preserved in some way otherwise can imagine it was a bit gross!
Question this month if I may: there is a general view that the medieval world was a bit lawless and violent, but in times of just rule and relative peace, ordinary people must have been able to crack on with their lives without the worry someone would do them in for no reason or ransack their possessions while they were at the market or something. Without modern surveillance and police force etc, was day to day “policing” done by families / the community over their members or how was order largely kept? Thanks as ever!
Hi Dan, when Lucy Worsley asked you what you would have been in medieval times, you quite fancied being a corrupt abbot in the South of France! Which brings me to my question- are you not tempted to write about the dissolution of the monasteries and HVIII and TC? Your unique take would make it different from other great historians (flatter, flatter) Thanks
Did knights follow a specific fitness regimen to maintain the strength and agility to carry their lances, weild their swords, and parry- all while riding a horse?
I recently watched the episode of Secrets of Great British Castles focusing on Carrickfergus, in which you discussed the 1575 Rathlin Island massacre. You mentioned that it may be surprising to some that Queen Elizabeth I congratulated John Norris for his participation in the massacre of Sorley Boy McDonnell’s followers, who included women and children. I believe you are correct that many would find this revelation shocking, as her involvement in Ireland is often only briefly addressed in dramas and popular history.
Do you think that more emphasis should be placed on Queen Elizabeth I's rule in Ireland when evaluating her legacy and reputation? Additionally, do you think her actions in Ireland are downplayed because they contradict her heroic image? I greatly enjoyed the episode about Carrickfergus Castle, by the way.
Hi Dan, big fan and was great to meet you at the Substack event in December. My question: My family is originally from Essex, is there any juicy medieval stories involving Colchester Castle or indeed the county of Essex, Plantagenet or otherwise?
Good question Lewis! I live in Colchester and I’d also love to know more about the castle and surrounding area, and what it was like in the Middle Ages (late 11th-15th centuries anyway) - after almost 1000 years it must have quite a few stories to tell!
Hi Dan! BTW, loved the chat between you and Lucy Worsley! Hope you can bring Ruth Goodman on at some point. My question: What medieval weapon would you have most wanted to be proficient at, and at what battle or siege?
That was in interesting story! Wow! I would imagine the head would stink!
Question: In searching your "Further Reading" section of The Plantagenets, I don't see a reference for Richard III. Is there a book you would recommend about him?
Hi Dan, "The Lion in Winter", film 1968, is being reissued. What do you think of this film, if you've seen it?
It made a huge impression on me, but I think I may have been heavily influenced by the casting of two very handsome and young actors, Timothy Dalton as the gorgeous French King and Anthony Hopkins as the legendarily heroic Richard the Lionheart. I did notice the incredible performances from Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn, too 😄.
Hope the head was preserved in some way otherwise can imagine it was a bit gross!
Question this month if I may: there is a general view that the medieval world was a bit lawless and violent, but in times of just rule and relative peace, ordinary people must have been able to crack on with their lives without the worry someone would do them in for no reason or ransack their possessions while they were at the market or something. Without modern surveillance and police force etc, was day to day “policing” done by families / the community over their members or how was order largely kept? Thanks as ever!
Dan, if money and legalities were no object, which castle would you restore to be your fortified residency?
Hi Dan, when Lucy Worsley asked you what you would have been in medieval times, you quite fancied being a corrupt abbot in the South of France! Which brings me to my question- are you not tempted to write about the dissolution of the monasteries and HVIII and TC? Your unique take would make it different from other great historians (flatter, flatter) Thanks
How did people in the Middle Ages find their way to unfamiliar destinations, were there signposts or maps?
Hi Dan - we tend to hear that Medieval medicine usually did more harm than good. But is there evidence of any treatments used that were effective ?
Did the Crusaders return with any of the medical techniques used by the enemy in the Holy Lands?
What is your position on the Princes in the Tower question? Thanks.
Did knights follow a specific fitness regimen to maintain the strength and agility to carry their lances, weild their swords, and parry- all while riding a horse?
Do you have any thoughts on any famous Plantagenet women/partners to Plantagenet Kings?
Joan of Kent was (apparently) a comely maiden.
I recently watched the episode of Secrets of Great British Castles focusing on Carrickfergus, in which you discussed the 1575 Rathlin Island massacre. You mentioned that it may be surprising to some that Queen Elizabeth I congratulated John Norris for his participation in the massacre of Sorley Boy McDonnell’s followers, who included women and children. I believe you are correct that many would find this revelation shocking, as her involvement in Ireland is often only briefly addressed in dramas and popular history.
Do you think that more emphasis should be placed on Queen Elizabeth I's rule in Ireland when evaluating her legacy and reputation? Additionally, do you think her actions in Ireland are downplayed because they contradict her heroic image? I greatly enjoyed the episode about Carrickfergus Castle, by the way.
I really enjoyed your chat with Lucy. Do you have more collaborations like that planned in the future?
Hi Dan, big fan and was great to meet you at the Substack event in December. My question: My family is originally from Essex, is there any juicy medieval stories involving Colchester Castle or indeed the county of Essex, Plantagenet or otherwise?
Good question Lewis! I live in Colchester and I’d also love to know more about the castle and surrounding area, and what it was like in the Middle Ages (late 11th-15th centuries anyway) - after almost 1000 years it must have quite a few stories to tell!
Hi Dan! BTW, loved the chat between you and Lucy Worsley! Hope you can bring Ruth Goodman on at some point. My question: What medieval weapon would you have most wanted to be proficient at, and at what battle or siege?
That was in interesting story! Wow! I would imagine the head would stink!
Question: In searching your "Further Reading" section of The Plantagenets, I don't see a reference for Richard III. Is there a book you would recommend about him?
Dan's book The Hollow Crown is about the War of Rose's. It's the sequel to the Plantagenets book.
Wonder if that's where "What a Crok" comes from?
S'up Dan, how's it hanging? Good to hear you and your voice box firing on all cylinders once more.
Quick question: how different is medieval French from modern French please? Would one be able to understand t'other?
Cheers. Take care.