

You asked, I answered

Recorded this month’s Q&A video at the very delightful Silverton Park Stables, which I borrowed from the Landmark Trust for the weekend.

The Landmark Trust are amazing and kind of unique - you can stay in historic buildings they have preserved, all over the UK.

Silverton Park Stables, Devon

In this case the historic building I called home for the weekend is the old stable block of a nineteenth-century country pile that was built on a similar scale to Petworth House, in West Sussex.

Anyway. I talk about its history in the video, as well as answering more than 60 Q&A questions - thanks to all the subscribers for submitting those.

The video cut out on me halfway through, so I’ll send another email out after this one with the second half.

The jury seems to be out on live videos, mostly because of the difficulty of finding a time that will work for both UK and US subscribers. So I definitely don’t plan to replace this monthly Q&A with a live offering, but I guess we could add live in some way or other, TBD.

November’s Q&A will therefore be business as usual. If you want to post questions, you’ll need to be a paid subscriber - click here if you want to get involved.

Thanks for all the questions!


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